Visual Basic 2010 Error the application failed to initialize properly 0xc000007b

Visual Basic 2010 Computer Virus

Visual Basic Courses Online

Error :

he application failed to initialize properly 0xc000007b

Cause :

Virus W32.Sality

Symptoms :

When you attempt to start an application (.exe) it generates an error message the application failed to initialize properly 0xc000007b

 Solution :

Any antivirus will do the job.

In my case :

I had VS2010 Professional Edition installed on my X86 machine that runs WinXpSp3 Home Edition along with many other applications (i.e. Office 2003\2007, VS6 SP6) and of course .Net framework 4.0.
Every time i develop an application it runs fine until i restart my computer or shut it down and then re-open it again, i receive this annoying error message when i attempt to run the .exe file i just built with VS 2010 "the application failed to initialize properly 0xc000007b"
I formatted my C:\ drive and re-installed windows along with VS 2010 and all other software, but that did not solve the problem, i did not realize that my PC is infected with Virus [Win32.Sality] until i used a flash USB memory that acting a little bit weird for instance, it was opening in new window and that my computer is really slowing down so i got a KAV rescue CD and scanned my whole PC and found a lot of WIN32.Sality Virus there and removed it along with a lot of applications, then i re-installed Windows XPSP3 Home Edition again and VS 2010 Pro. and all other applications, and the problem went away for good.

I really worked around the problem for a very long time and it did not work out until i used this method i mentioned, so i thought it would be fine to share with everyone.

Thanx for reading, i hope that was useful .

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