VB.NET How to check if a Form is already Open

VB.NET How to check if a Form is already Open

image of How to check if a Form is already Open
Check if Form is open in Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic 2010 Windows Form [WinForm] Project

.NET 4

Microsoft Windows 10 32 or 64bit


Text : MainFrm.vb


Text : OK!


Text : SecondFrm.vb

Now, in order to check if Form2 is open or not, and if open then Show it, or if it is not open then Open it, the code would be.

  • Public Class MainFrm
  1. Private Sub PictureBox4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox4.Click
  2. OpnFrm = New SecondFrm
  3. If Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of SecondFrm).Any Then
  4. OpnFrm.Select()
  5. Exit Sub
  6. End If
  7. OpnFrm.Show(Me)
  8. End Sub
  • End Class

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