
Showing posts from May 16, 2011


How to connect Access Database using DAO In VB  .Net vb .net DAO Data Access Object (DAO) According to Microsoft Docs  , Conversion from DAO TO ADO : Versions of the DAO library prior to 3.6 are not provided or supported in Access. Also : ODBCDirect workspaces are not supported in Microsoft Access 2013. Use ADO if you want to access external data sources without using the Microsoft Access database engine. DAO is used with Access databases and is supported through Office 2013. DAO 3.6 is the final version, and it is considered obsolete. These classes work with the other application framework classes to give easy access to Data Access Object (DAO) databases, which use the same database engine as Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. The DAO classes can also access a wide variety of databases for which Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers are available. Programs that use DAO databases will have at least a CDaoDatabase object and a CDaoRecordset object. DAO 360 d...

VB 2010 Create Controls at Run-Time with events

How to Create Controls at Run-Time in  VB 2010 Visual Basic Online Course Logic The example will show you how to create a control (TextBox) at the Application Run-Time . This TextBox will allow only Numbers. We will create a new TextBox control with event  Text Changed when the form is clicked Project Design Create new VB 2010 Windows Application Project ( MyPro ), don't forget to always Save your project How does it work You RUN your project and then click on the Form ( Form1 ) and then you will notice that a TextBox control was created with the same properties that we provided in our example in the code below. TextBox Properties Location : The cursor location when click on the Form1 Size : 120,300 Parent : Form1 (Me) TextAlign : HorizontalAlignment.Left ForeColor : Color.White ...