
Showing posts from October 11, 2012

Visual Basic Online Course ProgressBar

Visual Basic 2010 Progress Bar Control  VB 2010 Progress bar - Visual Basic Online Course   Using the ProgressBar control Example : Create New Windows Project Button1 ProgressBar1 - Logic : We will generate 4 Message Boxes by clicking the Button1 Control and every time a message box shows up, a ProgressBar step will be taken. Progress Bar Class : In .Net Framework 4.0 A ProgressBar control consists of a window that is filled, by default from left to right, as an operation progresses. The control has a range and a current position. ProgressBar overrides the metadata of the Maximum property and sets its default to 100. ProgressBar overrides the metadata of the Focusable property and sets its default to false . For more information, see Dependency Properties Overview. Customizing the ProgressBar Control To apply the same property sett...