Visual Basic Online Course - POP3 Method Reading / Receiving Emails in Vb.Net
Visual Basic Online Course - Reading / Receiving Emails in Vb.Net Visual Basic .Net - POP3 Method Reading / Receiving Emails ( vb .net ) I was able to finish the (send Email) part successfully, though I've not finished the attachment and the Html parts yet, but the (receiving / reading Emails) part still out there somewhere I did not do it, though I managed to connect to POP3 servers and receive the +OK response successfully. Hotmail Mail Server Settings - Incoming Server( port(995) Secure Connection (SSL) is a must - Outgoing Server( port(587) Secure Connection (TLS) is a must Note that have both free and paid accounts, but both supports E-mail clients. So you should go inside your Email settings to enable POP3 and forwarding option to be able to work with Email clients. Yahoo Mail Server Settings Incoming Server( port(995) Secure Connection (SSL) is not a must if you're using the free mail. Outgoing Server(smtp....